Perform lung function tests with an inline filter solution for your EasyOne Air that guarantees repeatable and accurate results.
The ndd inline filter solution guarantees the well proven protection against cross contamination and offers additional protection for operators and technicians.
ndd Inline Filter Solution Advantages
Protection against cross contamination and staff protection
Low resistance performance ensures efficacy of resultsand complies with ATS/ERS recommendations
Expiratory measurements is not affected
Peak flow, FEV1 and FVC are not affected and stay repeatable and accurate
Low dead space volume
Microbiological filtration effectiveness has been independently tested and validated to provide > 99.99% efficiency against bacteria and viruses
Maximum hygiene, as all components that are exposed to patient air are single use
FT Filter Kit for ndd EasyOne Air Spirometers
Perform lung function tests with an inline filter solution for your EasyOne Air that guarantees repeatable and accurate results.
The ndd inline filter solution guarantees the well proven protection against cross contamination and offers additional protection for operators and technicians.
ndd Inline Filter Solution Advantages