Needles back Biopsy Acupuncture Anaesthesia Dental Drawing Up Filter Hypodermic Phlebotomy Spinal Dermal Needle Needlecalm Home Home Needles & Syringes Needles Anaesthesia Sorry! this product is temporarily out of stock with our supplier. B Braun Needle Ultraplex 360 30 degree 22g x 35mm SKU 4892603-01 BX25 incl GST NZ $919.14 To comply with NZ Legislation - Capes are unable to sell this product to the general public. Click here for more information Select Variant: B Braun Needle Ultraplex 360 30 degree 22g x 35mm (NZ $919.14) B Braun Needle Ultraplex 360 30 degree 22g x 50mm (NZ $919.14) Ordered In as Required - Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days This product is restricted and only available to approved account customers.
B Braun Needle Ultraplex 360 30 degree 22g x 35mm (NZ $919.14) B Braun Needle Ultraplex 360 30 degree 22g x 50mm (NZ $919.14)
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